I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was perfect-how could it not be with these two??

If Aaron looks like he was "caught" in that picture, its because he was! He took those Junior Mints out of MY stocking and ate a ton of them while I was in the kitchen getting his breakfast. Little stinker.
Aaron got some great toys including a Thomas track that's as big as the kitchen table (what am I going to do with that??!!) and his Leapster that he just loves. He got a few clothes, books, and movies too. He's very spoiled. :) He also woke up one morning with a much higher IQ-he now knows all of his colors, shapes and most of the alphabet. I think I can have him reading when he's 3! I need to videotape him doing the ABC's, its too cute.
Alexander got some cute little toys too, including this one that he loves:

Jamie and I didn't exchange gifts this year, which felt a little weird. :( My parents and grandparents did get Jamie some much-needed clothes though. And my mom got me the Paper Doll cart which I've been dying to use. We also got some gift cards for groceries, and lots of diapers and formula-we shouldn't need to buy anything for at least a month or two, which helps us out immensely.
I could write 10 posts about Christmas. It was just so wonderful. I loved all the time we got to spend with my family. My family is the best. Aaron was so pooped from all the fun that he fell asleep around 4 in the afternoon, so Jamie and I got to actually sit down and watch a movie-UNINTERUPPTED. Wow. We haven't done that in years! He got The Dark Knight from my grandma, so that's what we watched. I didn't like it though. Maybe a little too dark for me. But the day after Christmas I cuddled with Aaron and watched Horton Hears a Who-much better. :)
I have a few things to share, but need to let my camera charge first! I did make more Christmas cards, but forgot to take pics before I gave them away! Oops! Thank you so much for stopping by! I'll leave you with a link to Karen's blog who has some awesome blog candy. Wouldn't that be a great belated Christmas present?? I also have a small little RAK I'll be doing soon, just need to take a picture of it! Have a wonderful day. ;)
Aaron and Alex are SO CUTE! Oh my, I just want to pick Alex up and give him a squeeze! Look at those smiles!! Aaron! Taking mom's Junior Mints? Oh no!! Silly boy! (Pretty funny though!!) Becky, these photos are the BEST!! Sitting down and watching a movie uninterrupted? WOW! That's great too! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!! Happy 2009! I just cannot believe the New Year is practically here!! Time passes by so quickly!! Take care!! Hugs!!
Becky it sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I can't believe how big Alex and Aaron are getting. They are adorable! I hope Alex is feeling better. Hugs!
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